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It was a very well organized tournament. Johanna and her team did a great job - from the arrival on Sunday until the Gala evening on Friday.

Had a superb time playing in this tournament, meeting new friends and what better than being in a stunning place with it's natural beauty, landscapes, fauna and flora and ordering great weather for the whole week. Thank you for the lovely venues and thumbs up to all the organizers and sponsors for another well organised and successful Interpro tournament.

Mpumalanga put in great effort. Well done to them, other provinces/venues will have to follow suit

I loved it! Will be back.


Try to keep same age groups with each other. An example was that GN entered three 55 and above teams, yet the 55 A team was grouped with the 50's group. I would prefer the tournament to be 4 days instead of 5 days, including over a weekend, as some people need to take leave and run out of leave for tournaments. If the inter-pro could be a Thursday to a Sunday, it would be great. In view of the above, a suggestion could be that we do away with a final set, and play a 10 point tie-breaker. Perhaps also consider a third place bronze medal winner, and not just medals for the first two places?



Despite the selection process of the teams every-thing was great and worth it.

Baie hartseer dat ons Shield nie pryse gekry het nie, voel of ons net gebruik word om die groepe vol te maak sodat ander sterker spanne wel kon deelneem (anders sou hulle saam met die A gegooi moes word?). Gauteng hoort nie in Shield/B cup nie.
Reëls word nie konsekwent toegepas nie. Sal dit baie graag wil laat hersien en almal se opinie daaroor wil sien in 'n stemming. Ek stem GLAD nie saam met die nuwe reël dat daar meer as 3 of 4 spelers in 'n span is nie, dit bevoordeel mos BESLIS 'n span wat nie eers genoeg spelers bymekaar kan kry vir 'n span in hul eie provinsies nie!
Reëls word nie konsekwent toegepas nie. Sal dit baie graag wil laat hersien en almal se opinie daaroor wil sien in 'n stemming. Ek stem GLAD nie saam met die nuwe reël dat daar meer as 3 of 4 spelers in 'n span is nie, dit bevoordeel mos BESLIS 'n span wat nie eers genoeg spelers bymekaar kan kry vir 'n span in hul eie provinsies nie!

baie dankie aan Mpumalanga vir die spesiale aanbieding van die 30 ste Interpro - ek was aangenaam verras met die gehalte van die funksies en toernooi! ongelukkig was die kommunikasie in GN nie goed nie - so was ek bv onbewus van die styl (deftig) van die afsluitingsfunksie en het gevoel dat die gasheer baie moeite gedoen het en dat al die spelers - myself inkluis - meer formeel moes aantrek vir die pragtige funksie.


Where & When
Mon, Apr 8th 2019
Fri, Apr 12th 2019
Mon, Mar 18th 2019 11:45pm
Nelspruit Tennis Club
Cnr Liebenberg and Smart StreetsNelspruit, Mpumalanga, Ehlanzeni District - Mbombela - Nelspruit, Mpumalanga 1200
South Africa
Flamboyant Tennis Club
Danie Joubert StreetWitrivier, Mpumalanga, Ehlanzeni District - Mbombela - Witrivier, Mpumalanga 1240
South Africa
Nelspruit Hoerskool
Samora Machel DrNelspruit, Mpumalanga, Mpumalanga 1200
South Africa
Panorama Tennis Club
Wilhelm Streetmatumi Golf Estate
Nelspruit, Mpumalanga, Mpumalanga 1200
South Africa
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