2023 JMS Closed Singles
Recent Results
Men's Main Event Round …

Men's Main Event Round …

Men's Main Event Round …

Men's Main Event Round …

Men's Main Event Round …

Women's Section

Men's Main Event Round …

ENTRY FEE: R350.00 per player
ENTRIES CLOSE: Friday, 14 April 2023
Age Groups available: Should there not be enough (or too many) entries in an age group, the tournament organisers have the right to combine/split age-groups.
MASTERS WOMEN : 35-44, 45-54, 55-64, 65+
MASTERS MEN : 35-44, 45-54, 55-64, 65+
All players must be registered with Squash SA and have paid their 2023 Squash SA registration as well as their JMS subscription.
Only entries via SportyHQ will be accepted. Entries will only be accepted once proof of payment is received. You should receive a confirmation email once you have entered on SportyHQ. If you do not please check the SportyHQ website for your entry as errors cannot be rectified after the closing date.
1. All players must be 35 years of age and over.
2. Draws and times will be available on SportyHQ by Tuesday, 18 April at 19h00.
3. Players must be available to play throughout the tournament. Match times will not be changed to accommodate other activities.
4. Players must be at the venue at least 10 minutes before the scheduled playing time and be warmed-up and ready to play when courts are free.
5. Players must abide by the tournament rules: The number of matches to be played will be decided upon depending on the number of entries received.
6. In all circumstances the Tournament Referee’s decision is final.
7. Players must abide by Squash SA rules.
8. Players must mark/referee the match following their game.
9. The rankings will be done in co-operation with the Joburg Masters Squash selectors and are at the discretion of the Committee according to the strengths of the players and results from previous tournaments.
10. A match could be forfeited if any player is more than 10 minutes late for the start of any match.
11. The Dunlop green dot ball will be used.
12. Players have to be at the prize giving to receive a prize.
13. Players agree that Joburg Masters Squash, Joburg Squash and/or Squash SA may use photos/images/videos of the players for purposes such as celebrating achievement and publicising events and these may be posted to any JMS social media platform or the Joburg Squash website.
Please direct any queries to Linda Shannon: 082 924 2156
Joburg Masters Squash Committee
ENTRIES CLOSE: Friday, 14 April 2023
Age Groups available: Should there not be enough (or too many) entries in an age group, the tournament organisers have the right to combine/split age-groups.
MASTERS WOMEN : 35-44, 45-54, 55-64, 65+
MASTERS MEN : 35-44, 45-54, 55-64, 65+
All players must be registered with Squash SA and have paid their 2023 Squash SA registration as well as their JMS subscription.
Only entries via SportyHQ will be accepted. Entries will only be accepted once proof of payment is received. You should receive a confirmation email once you have entered on SportyHQ. If you do not please check the SportyHQ website for your entry as errors cannot be rectified after the closing date.
1. All players must be 35 years of age and over.
2. Draws and times will be available on SportyHQ by Tuesday, 18 April at 19h00.
3. Players must be available to play throughout the tournament. Match times will not be changed to accommodate other activities.
4. Players must be at the venue at least 10 minutes before the scheduled playing time and be warmed-up and ready to play when courts are free.
5. Players must abide by the tournament rules: The number of matches to be played will be decided upon depending on the number of entries received.
6. In all circumstances the Tournament Referee’s decision is final.
7. Players must abide by Squash SA rules.
8. Players must mark/referee the match following their game.
9. The rankings will be done in co-operation with the Joburg Masters Squash selectors and are at the discretion of the Committee according to the strengths of the players and results from previous tournaments.
10. A match could be forfeited if any player is more than 10 minutes late for the start of any match.
11. The Dunlop green dot ball will be used.
12. Players have to be at the prize giving to receive a prize.
13. Players agree that Joburg Masters Squash, Joburg Squash and/or Squash SA may use photos/images/videos of the players for purposes such as celebrating achievement and publicising events and these may be posted to any JMS social media platform or the Joburg Squash website.
Please direct any queries to Linda Shannon: 082 924 2156
Joburg Masters Squash Committee
Photo Stream
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Where & When
Wed, Apr 19th 2023
Sat, Apr 22nd 2023
Fri, Apr 14th 2023 11:45pm
Parkview Squash Centre
5 Emmarentia AvenueParkview
Johannesburg, Gauteng Central, City of Johannesburg - Johannesburg, Gauteng 2193
South Africa
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